In a moment everything can that moment, we can see more than our own perspective...senses are heightened. Perched in this frozen space, we see all that has led to this point and peer into the unknown. Wondering what this vast new world will a second this moment passes.
I am fascinated by these moments of change, in a sense these are perfect moments. Falling or flying, we are unsure. Loss and traumatic events are catalysts. In the aftermath of loss and tragedy comes the realization that nothing is purely dark, there is always hope, love and light. A rainbow after a storm, a joke at a funeral, little breaks in the darkness, these are the ideas that drive my work. Energy is the focus of my process, the transference of energy from me to the work. Crumpled paper bags take form as primitive sculpture. Layers and layers of paper, flour and salt are added, each changing the life of the piece, adding dimension. |
"A rainbow after a storm, a joke at a funeral, little breaks in the darkness, these are the ideas that drive my work."
Hours and weeks of sanding create friction, an energy that is embodied in the work. Finally, layer after layer of hot wax is brushed on, scraped, smoothed with razor blades, until the piece has life. Combining light bulbs, semi precious stones and crystals with the organic sculptures, conjures ideas of obsolescence, fragility and reflection. In the perfect light, the work refracts rainbows. Hard, sharp, man-made edges of crystals, juxtaposed against the soft, warm, organic feel of wax surfaces unites past and present. Ancient feeling sculptures infused with familiar contemporary elements, highlight that which is now and has always been. |